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Connex Continuous Vital Signs Monitor

TIGER#: TM88280
Original price $5,380.00 - Original price $5,380.00
Original price List Price: $5,380.00
$5,595.20 - $5,595.20
Current price $5,595.20
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Connex Continuous Vital Signs Monitor
Connex Continuous Vital Signs Monitor - $5,595.20
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Ships Out Within: 14 - 21 Business Days Shipping Date By: 4/28/2025

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Viva Mobile Stand
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Accessory Management Mobile Stand
Mobile Stand
Mobile Stand
  • 6700 & 6800 Series Monitor Models in Variety of Configurations
  • Included: Nellcor/ Masimo SpO2 & SureBP NIBP
  • Options: CO2, RRa, Wifi, Internal Printer, EarlySense & Internal Wireless Radio
  • For Spot-Check, Intervals & Continuous Monitoring on all Patient Groups
  • 4 USB Ports, Ethernet, EMR Connectivity
  • Supports Adult, Pediatric & Neonatal Monitoring .

This item is customizable. Please see below for customization instructions.

Welch Allyn Connex Continuous Vital Signs Monitor is designed specifically to provide healthcare providers immediate access to accurate patient vitals data anywhere, anytime. This dual-function Monitor allows for spot-check, intervals and continuous monitoring of adult, pediatric and neonatal patients. Revolutionary functional versatility leads to a significant expansion of the scope of application from procedure and general exam environments to surgical floor and alternate care environments.

Standard Features

  • SureBP Non-Invasive Blood Pressure
  • Nellcor/ Masimo SpO2

Available Options

  • Thermometry
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Internal Printer
  • Additional Monitoring Capabilities: Covidien Capnography, Respiratory Monitoring (Rra), EarlySense

SureBP Non-invasive Blood Pressure
The Connex VSM includes a SureBP technology for the non-invasive blood pressure measurement. It obtains BP reading during the inflation cycle that greatly reduces the level of discomfort to the patients and decreases the measurement time up to revolutionary 15 seconds period. NIBP settings allow a choice of customized Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal measurement modes while delivering the accuracy that exceeds the minimum standard requirements. For extra convenience the Monitor displays systolic, diastolic measurements and MAP calculations in all profiles. The monitor can measure NIBP automatically based on the intervals you choose.

All 6700 and 6800 Series Monitor Models include SpO2 and Pulse Rate monitoring capability while being equipped with either Masimo or Nellcor technology. SpO2 monitoring function allows switching between numeric and waveform display modes as well as choosing between Intervals/Continuous monitoring or Spot-Check + Triage monitoring profiles. The use of Massimo sensor allow for the choice of monitoring profiles with or without SpHb license.

Nellcor SpO2: The latest Nellcor signal processing technology is proven to provide superior measurement capabilities even under difficult monitoring conditions. It ensures accurate SpO2 and pulse rate readings at all times and under various degrees signal interference including low perfusion and patient motion. The device features 1% to 100% SpO2 and 20 to 250 bpm measurement range on both neonate and adult patients. Nellcor configured Connex Monitor models allows for the use of the advanced SatSeconds alarm management function that ensures a much more efficient SpO2 monitoring and reduces unnecessary destruction for medical stuff

Masimo SpO2: The highly-advanced Masimo SpO2 technology provides exceptional accuracy of pulse oximetry readings even under the conditions of patient motion and low perfusion. It features 0% to 100% SpO2 and 25 to 240 bpm measurement range. Plus, this technology expands the monitoring capability providing additional Perfusion Index (PI) and Total Hemoglobin (SpHb) monitoring options.

Optional Thermometry
The Connex Vital Signs Monitor offers three thermometry options that include Oral/Rectal thermometry, Ear thermometry and a combination of the first two.

Oral/Rectal Thermometry: SureTemp Plus Thermometry module allows for Oral/Rectal temperature measurements in Intervals/Continuous monitoring, as well as Spot-Check + Triage monitoring profiles with a choice of Predictive or Direct mode. SureTemp Plus uses a thermistor based thermometer in a combination with a proprietary Welch Allyn predictive algorithm. The predictive temperature measurement method helps reduce the time required for the acquisition of accurate readings. The SureTemp Plus includes an oral probe and 25 disposable probe covers.

Ear Thermometry: To facilitate ear temperature measurements, some Connex Monitors are equipped with Braun ThermoScan PRO 4000 Thermometer and an accessory dock that serves for the ear temperature measurements transfer directly to the monitor and works as a battery charger for the main unit. This Thermometer comprises an innovative technology that provides a feedback to ensure that the probe has been positioned in a proper way throughout the measurement procedure. This feature ensures exceptional accuracy of temperature readings. The unique preheated probe tip improves Thermometer performance during repeat temperature measurements.

Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry: The Connex Monitors configured to provide all three, Ear & Oral/Rectal thermometry options come with SureTemp Plus Thermometry module and the advanced Braun ThermoScan PRO 6000 Ear Thermometer. The PRO 6000 automatically adjusts to variability in probe placement, ensures proper probe placement during measurement and features a preheated probe tip to provide fastest, simplest and most accurate temperature readings.

Optional WiFi
WiFi function allows for a seamless integration to your current or future HER. Wireless transmission of patient vitals data from the point of care into the patient chart/EMR and dramatically reduces the time, labor and transcription errors.

Optional Internal Printer
Internal printer facilitates strip printouts of Intervals Monitoring, Spot-Check Monitoring and Continuous Monitoring tend data reports.

Optional Capnography/CO2
The CO2 monitor configured with Oridion Microstream capnography continuously measure or indicate end tidal CO2, fraction of inspired CO2, respiration rate and Integrated Pulmonary Index. This function is available for Continuous monitoring only and provide numeric and waveform view of CO2 data.

Optional Respiratory Monitoring (RRa)
Connex Monitor models configured with Masimo rainbow Acoustic Monitoring technology allows for the continuous, non-invasive respiration rate measurement with the use of a neck sensor. RRa function is applicable to adult patients whose weight exceeds 66 lbs only.

Optional EarlySense
The EarlySense contact-free sensor technology helps facilitated a most advanced clinical surveillance system. This technology is designed to aim a wide variety of clinical facilities and becomes a real asset to those with large general and surgical floors. Eliminating the risks of patient falls that are the cause of prolonged patients stay, reducing pressure ulcers which often lead to increased mortality risks and providing an early detection of patient deterioration, this surveillance system helps acquire large cost savings on regular basis.
How it Works: The contact-free sensor placed under mattress activates as soon as patient enters the bed. It detects patient motion allowing to customize sensitivity level for fall risk patients. The programmable patient-turn protocols help avoid pressure ulcers sending timely turn reminders and further providing the verification and confirmation reports of patient turns. By continuously trending the pulse and respiration rate data, EarlySense allows for the early detection of and response to patient deterioration. This system is not only compatible with most bed and mattress types, but is completely leads, wires or probes free so it does not restrict patient movements and allows for a truly comfortable accommodation.
Each Monitor configured with EarlySense technology comes with one Contact-Free Sensor of either #105481 or #720011 model.

Modular Design
The modular and configurable design of the Connex EVD System allows for seamless future parameter/sensor upgrades. In addition, the open software architecture is designed to be capable of offering future Welch Allyn and third-party clinical applications that would run on the monitor and a remote server. For example, Welch Allyn has partnered with Masimo to incorporate Rainbow SET technology that today provides you with SpO2 and may be upgraded to include additional future Rainbow SET parameters. There is no need to invest in new devices when new features are introduced. The Connex Vital Signs Monitor may be connected to a broad range of DETECTO and Health-O-Meter scales for total vital signs measurement. The system can be wall-mounted or easily installed on a mobile stand (sold separately).

Standard Configuration
All 6700 and 6800 Series Monitor models feature a Nurse Call function that provides a connection to the hospital nurse call system. The Monitors are assembled with Ethernet and 4 USB ports. 6700 Series models are radio ready while 6800 Series Monitors are equipped with 802.11a/b/g wireless radio.

Customize Your Welch Allyn Connex Continuous Vital Signs Monitor

6700 and 6800 Series Monitor Models come in a great variety of configuration options. For detailed information, please see below:
Monitor Models with standard features and a choice of Thermometry and Internal Printer options:

  • 67NXXX-B - with Nellcor SpO2
  • 67NXXP-B - with Nellcor SpO2 & Printer
  • 67NXTX-B - with Nellcor SpO2 & Oral/Rectal Thermometry
  • 67NXTP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Printer
  • 67NXEX-B - with Nellcor SpO2 & Ear Thermometry
  • 67NXEP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry & With Printer
  • 67MXXX-B - with Masimo SpO2
  • 67MXXP-B - with Masimo SpO2 & Printer
  • 67MXTX-B - with Masimo SpO2 & Oral/Rectal Thermometry
  • 67MXTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Printer
  • 67MXEX-B - with Masimo SpO2 & Ear Thermometry
  • 67MXEP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry & Printer

Monitor Models with standard features, 3-Lead ECG, and a choice of an etCO2 option:

  • 67MXTP-B-ECG3A - with Masimo SpO2, SureTemp+, 3-Lead ECG, & Printer
  • 67MCTP-B-ECG3A - with Masimo SpO2, SureTemp+, 3-Lead ECG, Printer, & Medtronic Microstream etCO2
  • 67NXTP-B-ECG3A - with Nellcor SpO2, SureTemp+, 3-Lead ECG, & Printer
  • 67NCTP-B-ECG3A - with Nellcor SpO2, SureTemp+, 3-Lead ECG, Printer, & Medtronic Microstream etCO2

Monitor models with standard features, Covidien Capnography and a choice of Thermometry and Internal Printer options:

  • 67NCDX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Covidien Capnography
  • 67NCXX-B - with Nellcor SpO2 & Covidien Capnography
  • 67NCXP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Covidien Capnography & Printer
  • 67NCTX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Covidien Capnography
  • 67NCTP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Printer
  • 67NCEX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry & Covidien Capnography
  • 67NCEP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Printer
  • 67MCXX-B - with Masimo SpO2 & Covidien Capnography
  • 67MCXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Covidien Capnography & Printer
  • 67MCTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Covidien Capnography
  • 67MCTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Printer
  • 67MCEP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Printer
  • 67MCEX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry & Covidien Capnography

Monitor models with standard features, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) and a choice of Thermometry and Internal Printer options:

  • 67MRXX-B - with Masimo SpO2 & Respiratory Monitoring (RRa)
  • 67MRXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) & Printer
  • 67MRTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Respiratory Monitoring (RRa)
  • 67MRTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) & Printer
  • 67MREX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry & Respiratory Monitoring (RRa)
  • 67MREP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) & Printer

Monitor models with standard features and a choice of Thermometry, EarlySense and Internal Printer options:

  • 67NSXX-B - with Nellcor SpO2 & EarlySense
  • 67NXDX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry
  • 67NSXP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, EarlySense & Printer
  • 67NSTX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & EarlySense
  • 67NSTP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, EarlySense & Printer
  • 67NSEX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry & EarlySense
  • 67NSEP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, EarlySense & Printer
  • 67MSXX-B - with Masimo SpO2 & EarlySense
  • 67MXDX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry
  • 67MSXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, EarlySense & Printer
  • 67MSTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & EarlySense
  • 67MSTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, EarlySense & Printer
  • 67MSEX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry & EarlySense
  • 67MSEP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, EarlySense & Printer

Monitor models with standard features, Wifi, internal 802.11a/b/g wireless radio and a choice of Thermometry and Internal Printer options:

  • 68NXXX-B - with Nellcor SpO2 & Wifi
  • 68NXXP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NXTX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Wifi
  • 68NXTP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NXEX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry & Wifi
  • 68NXEP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MXXX-B - with Masimo SpO2 & With Wifi
  • 68MXXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MXTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Wifi
  • 68MXTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MXEX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry & Wifi
  • 68MXEP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Wifi & Printer

Monitor models with standard features Covidien Capnography, Wifi, internal 802.11a/b/g wireless radio and a choice of Thermometry and Internal Printer options:

  • 68NCXP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Covidien Capnography, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NCDX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68NCTX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68NCTP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NCEX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68NCEP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Covidien Capnography, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NCXX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68MCXX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68MCXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Covidien Capnography, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MCTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68MCTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Covidien Capnography, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MCEX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry Covidien Capnography & Wifi
  • 68MCEP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Covidien Capnography, Wifi & Printer

Monitor models with standard features, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa), Wifi, internal 802.11a/b/g wireless radio and a choice of Thermometry and Internal Printer options:

  • 68MRXX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) & Wifi
  • 68MRXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa), Wifi & Printer
  • 68MRTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) & Wifi
  • 68MRTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa), Wifi & Printer
  • 68MREX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa) & Wifi
  • 68MREP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, Respiratory Monitoring (RRa), Wifi & Printer

Monitor models with standard features, Wifi, internal 802.11a/b/g wireless radio, a choice of Thermometry, EarlySense and Internal Printer options:

  • 68NSXX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, EarlySense & Wifi
  • 68NXDX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Wifi
  • 68NSXP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, EarlySense, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NSTX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, EarlySense & Wifi
  • 68NSTP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, EarlySense, Wifi & Printer
  • 68NSEX-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, EarlySense & Wifi
  • 68NSEP-B - with Nellcor SpO2, Ear Thermometry, EarlySense, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MSXX-B - with Masimo SpO2, EarlySense & Wifi
  • 68MXDX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear & Oral/Rectal Thermometry & Wifi
  • 68MSXP-B - with Masimo SpO2, EarlySense, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MSTX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, EarlySense & Wifi
  • 68MSTP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Oral/Rectal Thermometry, EarlySense, Wifi & Printer
  • 68MSEX-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, EarlySense & Wifi
  • 68MSEP-B - with Masimo SpO2, Ear Thermometry, EarlySense, Wifi & Printer

To purchase Connex Monitor of your choice, please go to the drop down menu above and complete your online order in a few easy steps.

Made in the USA

WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to

  • 6700 & 6800 Series Monitor Models in Variety of Configurations
  • Included: Nellcor/ Masimo SpO2 & SureBP NIBP
  • Options: CO2, RRa, Wifi, Internal Printer, EarlySense & Internal Wireless Radio
  • For Spot-Check, Intervals & Continuous Monitoring on all Patient Groups
  • 4 USB Ports, Ethernet, EMR Connectivity
  • Supports Adult, Pediatric & Neonatal Monitoring

What’s in the Box

  • Connex® Continuous Vital Signs Monitor
  • NIBP Hose
  • One (1) Adult BP Cuff
  • One (1) Large Adult BP Cuff
  • One (1) Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery
  • One (1) Power Cord with Connector
  • User's Manual
  • Startup Guide
  • Warranty Card


  • Thermometry:
    • SureTemp Plus Thermometry
    • Braun ThermoScan PRO 4000 Ear Thermometer
    • SureTemp Plus & Braun ThermoScan PRO 6000 Ear Thermometer
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Internal Printer
  • Additional Monitoring Capabilities:
    • Covidien Capnography
    • Respiratory Monitoring (Rra)
    • EarlySense® Surveillance System

ITEMS WITH A LEAD TIME LONGER THAN 48 HOURS CANNOT BE RETURNED / CANCELLED. These are specially ordered, and we cannot accept returns or cancellations on such products for any reason. We take the responsibility to make sure your product arrives in brand new working condition. Should your item arrive damaged, we will replace the product at no cost to you.

ITEMS WHICH SHIP OUT IN 24-48 HOURS. These are covered by our standard 30 day return policy from date of shipment. Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. The product must be in new condition and in its original packaging.

For complete details of our return policy and process, please refer to our general return policy page.


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Patient Populations
Adult, Pediatric & Neonatal patients
Blood pressure information
±5 mmHg (0.7 kPa) mean error, 8 mmHg (1.1 kPa) standard deviation
Arterial Mean Pressure Range
Adult: 23 to 230 mmHg (3.1 to 30.7 kPa); Pediatric: 23 to 230 mmHg (3.1 to 30.7 kPa); Neonate: 13 to 110 mmHg (1.7 to 14.7 kPa)
BP Determination Time
15 seconds / Maximum 150 seconds
Calculates Average?
Diastolic Range
Adult: 20 to 220 mmHg (2.7 to 29.3 kPa); Pediatric: 20 to 220 mmHg (2.7 to 29.3 kPa); Neonate: 10 to 110 mmHg (1.3 to 14.7 kPa)
Systolic Range
Adult: 30 to 260 mmHg (4.0 to 34.7 kPa); Pediatric: 30 to 260 mmHg (4.0 to 34.7 kPa); Neonate: 20 to 120 mmHg (2.7 to 16.0 kPa)
Auto Inflate/Deflate?
Cuff pressure display range
0-300 mmHg
Fits arm size
Adult: 25-34 cm; Large Adult: 32-43 cm
Adult / Large Adult
Reusable FlexiPort® one-piece
Data management
PC Link Option?
WiFi compliant?
Wireless connection?
Optional Wifi
15% to 95% (non-condensing)
Safe Operating Temperature
50°-104° F (10°-40° C)
400 readings in 24-hour period
Power Mgmt Stand, Classic Stand, Wall Channel, Wall Mount (purchase separately)
Options Included
Device Alarms
Yes, Adjustable
Integrated printer
Nurse Calling
USB port
4 USB Ports
Power-save mode
Battery Duration
2hr (only if clinician remains in the room)
Power Type
100-240 AC / rechargeable battery
Pulse Rate Information
±3 bpm without motion
25-240 bpm
±5 bpm with motion
SpO2 Information
Measurement Accuracy
Nellcor: Adult, Pediatrics: ± 2 digits; Neonate: ± 3 digits; Low Perfusion: 0.02 % to 20 % ± 2 digits; Masimo: motion ±5 bpm, no motion ±3 bpm, low perfusion ±3 bpm
Measurement Range
Nellcor: 1% to 100%; Masimo: 0% to 100%
Measurement Time
spot 10 min. / Intervals, may be set: 10,15, 20 mins
SpO2 Type
Covidien/Nellcor, Masimo
Thermometry Information
Measurement Accuracy
SureTemp® Plus: ±0.2°F; Braun ThermoScan® PRO 4000: ±0.4°F
Measurement Method
Oral and axillary for Suretemp / Ear for Braun 4000
Measurement Range
SureTemp® Plus: 80°F-110°F; Braun ThermoScan® PRO 4000: 68°F-108°F
Measurement Time
Predictive Mode: 6-15 seconds / Direct Mode 3-5 min.
Spot Check, Intervals & Continuous Monitoring
2 years
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